imagine an efficient, insightful & personalized recruitment process
With Taita's AI, guided by human wisdom, it's within your reach. Quickly evaluate applicants, unearth deep insights with tailored screening, and forge meaningful connections with automated interviews. Empower your decisions with Taita, where AI meets connection.
custom solution to your recruitment challenges
There's a palpable excitement around the potential of generative AI to revolutionize workflows across industries. However, the reality is that we're still in the discovery phase, learning how AI can truly make a difference. At Taita, we're not offering a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a chance to explore and innovate together. We're committed to helping you streamline your work, leveraging AI to overcome the unique challenges your business faces.

empower your decision-making

Discover our most powerful features

AI-Based Applicant Scoring
Effortlessly sift through hundreds of applicants. Our AI-based scoring system evaluates each candidate based on the qualities you require, ensuring only the most suitable applicants make it through.
In-Depth Candidate Comparison
Dive deep into candidate responses. Compare applicants 1 v 1 on the questions you care about most. Utilize AI-generated summaries or delve into full response transcripts with our AI-based highlighting feature, spotlighting the most important parts of each response.
Custom Summaries for Specific Insights
Need to focus on specific details? We've got you covered. Even if the information is scattered across different responses, our system can create custom summaries, giving you a comprehensive view of the applicant's experiences and skills.
Dynamic Interviews and Roleplay
Revamp your interview process with Taita's dynamic roleplay feature. Our AI-bot steps into the shoes of a work role, engaging candidates in realistic scenarios. From a customer in a sales situation to a teammate in a project, the AI-bot uncovers the candidate's skills and attributes, illuminating their future on-the-job performance.

getting started

Step 1
Start your AI journey by signing up for our waitlist. It's your first step towards reimagining your hiring process.
Join Waitlist
Step 2
exploratory call
Upon selection, we'll engage in a detailed discussion to explore your specific hiring challenges and areas for potential AI enhancement.
Step 3
Following our deep-dive, we'll devise a personalized AI solution proposal. Once we align on the proposal, we'll start building your customized AI tool.
Step 4
We'll put your new AI tool to the test, refining it as needed to ensure optimal performance and alignment with your needs.
Step 5
Once your AI solution is refined to perfection, we launch it, propelling your hiring process into the future.
case study
EDUKOHT is an educational organization with many locations in Estonia and Ukraine.
Challenge: EDUKOHT, employing 60 part-time workers, found itself in a constant cycle of hiring. The tasks of obtaining initial candidate data, conducting interviews, recording the process, and making unbiased decisions were not only time-intensive but also costly.
Solution: Our solution for EDUKOHT was a customized Telegram chatbot. It automated various steps in their hiring process, such as crafting compelling job descriptions, determining suitable interview questions, interviewing candidates and analyzing responses based on desired qualities.
Outcome: With our AI tool, EDUKOHT saved 20 hours per hire and improved the decision-making process through AI-driven assessments and recommendations.
frequently asked questions
Is my hiring data safe with you?
Absolutely. At Taita, we prioritize your data's security. We store all data securely on AWS, adhering to GDPR and data privacy laws. When we use models and APIs from third party providers, we ensure that your data is not used for training unless you explicitly consent. Moreover, we can remove your data at any time upon your request. Your data's safety is our top concern.
How much does Taita cost?
We're in the early stages of our journey at Taita, and we want to bring you along. We're offering our services at a reduced cost to our first clients as we showcase the power of AI in applicant screening workflows. Don't miss out on the chance to be at the forefront of recruitment innovation for a fraction of the cost.
How do I know if my company is a good fit for Taita's solutions?
If you're facing challenges in your hiring or admissions and looking for ways to automate or optimize workflows, you might be a great fit for Taita.
What happens after I sign up for the waitlist?
Once you sign up, we'll reach out to discuss your challenges. If our existing tools address your needs, we'll start integrating them into your workflows. If you need a custom solution, you'll be placed on our waitlist. The duration of the wait depends on the complexity of your challenges, your hiring timeline, and the length of the waitlist. We always strive to deliver solutions in a timely manner, but it can vary based on these factors.
What kind of support can I expect from Taita during the process?
Taita offers continuous support throughout the process. From the discovery call to the launch of your AI-enhanced workflow, we'll be there to address any concerns and make adjustments as necessary. After the launch, we'll continue to provide support to ensure your applicant screening process runs smoothly.
What if I already use an ATS or some other recruitment/admissions software?
No problem at all! At Taita, we understand that your existing tools are important to your workflow. That's why we provide API integrations with existing services. Our solution is designed to enhance your existing recruitment pipeline, not to replace it. Whether you're using an ATS or another type of recruitment software, we can integrate our tools smoothly into your system to make your recruitment process even more efficient.
What results can I expect from using Taita's AI solution?
While results can vary depending on your specific circumstances, our past partner, EDUKOHT, saved at least 20 hours in their hiring process. With Taita, you can expect a more streamlined, efficient, and effective hiring process.

ready to transform your hiring with ai?

Don't wait to explore the transformative power of AI in your hiring process. Join our waitlist and let us help you discover how AI can streamline your HR workflows. Your journey towards AI-powered hiring starts here!
Contact us